Lots of news! Four days before our first adoption training day, we found out that I'm 5 weeks pregnant!! Our 3rd little miracle from the Lord! We are praising Him for this precious gift! Even though I'm pregnant, we are still continuing with the adoption process. The first class was very informative. We asked them if we could continue the adoption process while being pregnant, and their answer was, "Yes!" and they gave us a huge smile. Yes, it won't be easy to tackle this all at one time, but God won't give us more than we can handle. :) We trust Him. We are excited to see all that He has in store for us, and we can't wait to meet our new children!
We are excited to let you know that our first adoptive parent class is in just a few days! This training day is 3 hours long and one of the shortest classes we have ahead of us. Once we complete this one, they will immediately sign us up for the 2nd class. After we complete the 2nd training day, then they will sign us up for the last 2 training days at the same time and also order the home study.  Things are moving! Please continue to pray for us on this journey! And especially pray for our waiting children! Thank you!! :)

We thought you might be interested to know a little about the adoption process and know where your donations are going. :)

 1) Finger Printing/Background Check                                                           
 2) 16 hours of training
 3) CPR Class
 4) Home Study
 5)Gas and possibly lodging (we will be visiting our children a few times, so they will get comfortable with us.)
  6) Attorney Fees

       We are figuring that this will cost around $6,000. If we end up receiving more than we need for the adoption process, then the extra money will be going towards clothing and necessities for our adopted children. We have been told that they will pretty much just have the shirts on their backs. I encourage you again to watch the video on the main page of this site, so you know what our children in waiting are going through. Help us show them love.  <3 Thank you!!!! 

The day is finally here! It's our very first fundraiser! We have made necklaces to fund the adoption! They are only $25 and shipping is free! The chain is 36 inches long, but you can shorten them by cutting the chain down while unfastened. If you would like us to make them into keychains instead, let us know! Keychains are $15. Contact us through email(below) or Facebook message if you would like to buy a 1 Life Changed Necklace or Keychain to bring the next Dodge Kiddo(s) home! :) The easiest way to buy one is to go to our donate page and donate the amount through our fundly.com adoption fund account. Make sure to contact us and let us know where to ship your item. If you prefer to send cash or check, please contact us as well. Thank you! :)

[email protected]


    Send  us  An  email

We have been praying and praying about our future children and have been asking God to lead us to wherever He wants to lead. He has given us a lot of information and heart toward a way we knew nothing about..... Adoption through Foster Care. It's an often overlooked blessing! We strongly believe this is where God is leading us. Did you know that you do not have to be a foster parent to adopt from the foster system?? We sure didn't! Did you also know that the cost of adoption through this avenue is significantly less than all the other ways of adoption?? We had no idea!  Please be praying with us as God opens the doors that He has planned for us and please be praying for our future children! 

We are making necklaces and keychains with "LOVE + ACTION = 1 LIFE CHANGED" stamped onto the metal.  All proceeds will be going toward funding the adoption.  If anyone has suggestions feel free to contact us or leave a comment below.  :) Be sure to check back for pictures very soon!

We received the first donation through our Fundly.com site! Someone gave $25 anonymously! Thank you soooo very much!!!! We greatly appreciate you!! Thanks to you we are another step closer to changing a life! :D 
Today we created a site for you to easily donate to 1 Life Changed.  Check out the Donate page for further.
 We have received a donation of $100!!! We still have a long way to go, but God is working! :)
We talked to the adoption agency this week about the next steps we should take. They said once the adoption process starts that it will go ridiculously fast because of a great need, but if we don't have all the funds when it all unfolds, that it will cause huge problems. They will be contacting us soon with dates for a 3 hour information seminar. We will get a pamphlet with all the costs broken down, which we will be adding to the site as soon as we receive it.  We are excited to hear all the information and to share it with you all. We have read about adoption grants, but can't apply for them until after the home study is done. With how fast this adoption will go once being able to begin, I'm not so sure we will be able to rely on grants. We will definitely have to save as much money each month as we can, Pray for fundraisers to go well, and plenty of miraculous donations. We are excited to announce that we have received our first donation already! :) We received a check in the mail from Verizon Wireless because they said they over charged us almost 5 years ago! It is only a $0.70 check, but one step closer to changing a helpless life! A miraculous donation! God is so good! A seed has now been planted. Help it grow! :)